If you’re not already wowed by some of the work going on in self-driving car technology then Tesla’s latest video might take your appreciation levels up a notch – it shows a split screen view of what one of these autonomous vehicles ‘sees’ during a journey.
That includes lane lines, the flow of the road, road signs and streetlights, as well as the in-path objects that need to be avoided. It’s an enlightening look at just how complex these systems are and how far they’ve come in recent years.
The latest clip was shared by Tesla chief Elon Musk on Twitter and follows another similar clip released last month – obviously the company is keen to get as many people comfortable with the idea of self-driving vehicles as it can.
Tesla has already said that from this point on all of its cars will be fitted with the hardware and technology required to make them fully autonomous, but it can’t be switched on until all the relevant safety checks have been carried out and it becomes officially legal to take an autonomous car out on the road.
The testing that the likes of Tesla and Google are doing at the moment is covered by special licences and it’s going to be a few years yet before governments are going to give the legal all-clear.
These cars also need to be tested out in more extreme conditions and on more demanding routes around the world – tootling through the wide streets of California in the sunshine is all well and good, but until self-driving motors can also get across the Pennines in the snow they’ll remain in beta testing.
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