Back in the 1980s, when Samsung started to get serious about the chip business, the company’s founder, Lee Byung-chul, said it was his intention to make Samsung the world’s No.1 semiconductor company and then hold that position for the succeeding 100 years.
Earlier this week, IC Insights pointed out that, this very quarter, Samsung could become the world’s No.1 semiconductor company.
So, if Lee Byung-chul was right, and he usually was, the next time there will be a change in the rankings could be Q2 2117.
If Samsung achieves the No.1 milestone this year, it will be a blow for Intel.
Intel became the No.1 company in 1992 and, if is No.1 this year, will match TI’s unequalled record as No.1 for 25 successive years from 1959 to 1984.
It would be a cruel fate for Intel to have the crown dashed from its brow on the eve of its coronation
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