Smart chess board moves its own pieces


The chess board is called Square Off and the company behind it, following a Kickstarter campaign back in 2016, is called Infivention.

The slogan is: “So advanced that it doesn’t need a screen. Get back to the real, tangible board, this time with the one that has a brain too.”

And yes, it’s very clever that the 2.5-inch pieces don’t collide when being moved automatically.

Arduino and Raspberry Pi

It’s a great idea, of course. And they are not the first to have it, but it seems they are first to market with a commercial product.

In June 2013 we highlighted on Gadget Master an Arduino-based system that used wireless comms to physically move chess pieces. See Arduino powers remote chess moves in (almost) real time.

And back in August 2016, we highlighted a Raspberry Pi chess system to control the movement of pieces on the board. See Wizard Chess moves via Raspberry Pi.

Chess board spec

How does it work? The board uses a 2-axis robotic arm with a magnetic head beneath the box to move the magnetic peices.

It’s powered by an Atmel ATMega2560 chip with Bluetooth comms. It runs on a 2200 mAh Li-io battery (apparently with enough charge for 50 games).

A smaller board measures 486 x 486 x 75mm, and a larger one measures 621 x 486 x75mm. The Square Off app runs on both Android and iOS.