How #smartphones are transforming personal #healthcare – an annotated infographic


How #smartphones are transforming personal #healthcare – an annotated infographic


More than 1.2 million people living in London are to be offered medical diagnosis using Babylon – an “artificial intelligence” (AI) app which gives patients access to a virtual health service in their pocket.

Babylon’s AI doctor is just one of the powerful tools that have transformed smartphones into mobile medical clinics.

In 2016 the US Food and Drug Administration approved 36 smartphone apps and devices. Now, smartphones are being used to perform ultrasound scans, measure heart rhythm, blood pressure and glucose levels, and execute an array of lab tests from liver and kidney function to identifying communicable diseases and even analysing DNA sequences.

E&T magazine was at CES 2017 at the start of the year – read our report on the latest healthcare technology.

Click on the graphic for an expanded view.


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