Digi-Key ready to ship first Cypress PSoC 6 BLE kits


e9279da8-8fcb-4351-b6fd-8da27a19dd0dThe distributor confirmed this week that it has received their stock of the PSoC 6 Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) development kit and have begun processing and shipping customer pre-orders.

Cypress has designed the PSoC 6 MCU, which has built-in security features,for integration in IoT devices.

The PSoC 6 BLE Pioneer kit features:

  • The dual-core ARM Cortex-M4 and Cortex-M0+ PSoC 63 MCU with BLE 5.0
  • A 2.7-inch E-ink display shield board (CY8CKIT-028-EPD) with on-board digital microphone and thermistor
  • An on-board BLE antenna
  • Compatible with Arduino Uno shield boards
  • Includes 512Mbit high speed Quad-SPI NOR flash
  • EZ-PD CCG3 Type-C system for power delivery
  • CapSense linear slider, touch buttons and proximity sensors
  • An on-board programmer/debugger
  • RGB LED and two push-button switches

For more product details on the PSoC 6 MCU visit Digi-Key’s TheCircuit entry entitled “Cypress’ PSoC 6 IoT MCU is on the Way.”


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