Free MP3 Cutter and Editor
Sometimes an MP3 or WAV file isn’t what you want. You might have recorded from an old vinyl LP or cassette and now have the entire album as a single audio file, or you might be making your own recordings and want to add fades to the intro or outro. Or you might just want to adjust the volume to make it louder or quieter.
You don’t need a complex editing app for that. Just download Free MP3 Cutter and Editor instead.
Why you need it
If you’re digitizing old analog records or have entire albums rendered as one single file, it makes sense to split things into individual tracks. Free MP3 Cutter and Editor enables you to do just that, and if the beginning or end is too jarring you can quickly add a fade in or out. You can also adjust the volume or maximize it to get it as loud as possible without distortion, and you can convert stereo to mono and vice versa.
Free MP3 Cutter and Editor is no substitute for a proper audio editor, but it isn’t supposed to be: It’s fast, useful and free. Just watch what you’re agreeing to in the installer, as it offers to install other programs too.
Download here: Free MP3 Cutter and Editor
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