Gadget Book: 10 LED Projects for Geeks


Gadget Book: 10 LED Projects for Geeks

It’s subtitle is “Build Light-Up Costumes, Sci-Fi Gadgets, and Other Clever Inventions” and as that suggests there is a range of projects.


It’s described as the first step if you want to experiment with LEDs and circuits, and “make cool things along the way”.

Specifically, it covers designing circuits, building and printing a custom printed circuit board, turning analogue signals into digital data your microcontroller can read, using gesture recognition and wireless interaction for an IoT project, creating circuits with paper and foil, and building “smart” gadgets that make decisions with sensors…

You can view the detailed Table of Contents online.

The author is John Baichtal and the publishers, No Starch Press, write:

10 LED Projects for Geeks is a collection of interactive and customizable projects that all have the humble LED in common, but don’t write them off as basic! You’ll learn how to make challenging and imaginative gadgets like a magic wand that controls lights using hand gestures, a pen-sized controller for music synthesizers, a light strip that dances to the beat of music, and even an LED sash that flashes scrolling text you send from your phone.

Every project includes photos, step-by-step directions, colorful circuit diagrams, and the complete code to bring the project to life. As you work your way through the book, you’ll pick up adaptable skills that will take your making abilities to the next level.

10 LED Projects for Geeks details

Title: 10 LED Projects for Geeks
Author: John Baichtal
Publisher: No Starch Press
Date: July 2018
Price: $24.95 (with free e-book version)
Format: Softback or e-book
ISBN: 978-1-59327-825-0
Pages: 240

You can read more about the book on the No Starch Press website.


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