Gadget Book: The Internet of Risky Things


The Internet of Risky thingsThe reasonable but alarming premise of the book is that if we build the IoT the way we build other software for the Internet then we’re heading for trouble…

With a focus on concrete solutions, The Internet of Risky Things explains how we can avoid simple flaws that have plagued several dramatic IT advances in recent decades. Developers, engineers, industrial designers, makers, and researchers will explore “design patterns of insecurities” and learn what’s required to route around or fix them in the nascent IoT.

  • Examine bugs that plague large-scale systems, including integer overflow, race conditions, and memory corruption
  • Look at successful and disastrous examples of previous quantum leaps in health IT, the smart grid, and autonomous vehicles
  • Explore patterns in coding, authentication, and cryptography that led to insecurity
  • Learn how blunders that led to spectacular IT disasters could have been avoided


The author is Professor Sean Smith, who is described as working in information security – attacks and defenses, for industry and government – since “before there was a Web”.

In graduate school, he worked with the US Postal Inspection Service on postal meter fraud; as a post-doc and staff member at Los Alamos National Laboratory, he performed security reviews, designs, analyses, and briefings for a wide variety of public-sector clients; at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, he designed the security architecture for (and helped code and test) the IBM 4758 secure coprocessor, and then led the formal modeling and verification work that earned it the world’s first FIPS 140-1 Level 4 security validation.

Save this date in your diary: Tuesday 25 April – the IoT Secure Systems Summit 2017

Internet of Risky Things details

Title:The Internet of Risky Things
By: Sean Smith Publisher:O’Reilly Media Formats:
Print Ebook Safari Books Online
Print & Ebook: January 2017
Price: $29.99 (print), $25.99 (Ebook)
Pages: 240
Print ISBN:978-1-4919-6362-3 | ISBN 10:1-4919-6362-X
Ebook ISBN:978-1-4919-6357-9 | ISBN 10:1-4919-6357-3

Table of contents

The full table of contents is as follows:

Chapter 1

Brave New Internet
Worst-Case Scenarios: Cyber Love Canal
What’s Different?
Inevitable and Unfortunate Decay
The IoT’s Impact on the Physical World
The Physical World’s Impact on the IoT
Worst-Case Scenarios: Cyber Pearl Harbor
Where to Go Next
Works Cited

Chapter 2

Examples and Building Blocks
Computing Devices
Architectures for an IoT
The Bigger Picture
What’s Next
Works Cited

Chapter 3

The Future Has Been Here Before
Bug Background
Smart Health IT
Smart Grid
Smart Vehicles
Not Repeating Past Mistakes
Works Cited

Chapter 4

Overcoming Design Patterns for Insecurity
Anti-Pattern: Doing Too Much
Anti-Pattern: Coding Blunders
Anti-Pattern: Authentication Blunders
Anti-Pattern: Cryptography Blunders
A Better Future
Works Cited

Chapter 5

Names and Identity in the IoT
Who Is That, Really?
The Standard Cryptographic Toolkit
The Newer Toolkit
IoT Challenges
Moving Forward
Works Cited

Chapter 6

The Internet of Tattletale Devices
Cautionary Tales
When Things Betray Their Owners
Emerging Infrastructure for Spying
Getting What We Want
Works Cited

Chapter 7

Business, Things, and Risks
How the IoT Changes Business
Profit and Safety
When the User Is the Product
Profit and Technological Choices
Businesses and Things and People
Works Cited

Chapter 8

Laws, Society, and Things
When Technology Evades Law
When Law Stops Scrutiny of Technology
When New Things Don’t Fit Old Paradigms
Looking Forward
Works Cited

Chapter 9

The Digital Divide and the IoT
How Digital Divides Emerged in the IoC
How Digital Divides May Continue in the IoT
When IT Is Required to Support Basic Rights
The IoT Enforcing Pre-existing Socioeconomic Divides
The IoT Creating Divides Among Connected Classes
Looking Forward
Works Cited

Chapter 10

The Future of Humans and Machines
A Framework for Interconnection
Human/Machine Interconnection in the IoT
Ethical Choices in the IoT Age
Perception of Boundaries in the IoT Age
Human Work in the IoT Age
Brave New Internet, with Brave New People in It
Works Cited

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See alsoIoT Secure Systems Summit 2017 – April 25th


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