Last chance to register for important test webinar by Goepel


Goepel sample webinarElectronics Weekly is joining forces with Goepel Electronics to discuss an important issue in the area of test, the X-ray inspection of solder joints in modern electronics productions. See Why only sample if a 100% x-ray inspection is possible?

The test specialists write:

The webinar deals with two different strategies for X-ray inspection of solder joints in modern electronics productions. On the one hand, the manual sample in-process inspection, which is usually carried out by trained personnel in multi-shift operation. On the other hand the fully automatic 100% inspection of each PCB directly in the production line. The advantages and disadvantages of these strategies are presented and a technical and economic comparison is explained.

In addition, the use of an X-line X-ray system for 100% solder joint inspection in the production line is described using a practical example. Free of reflections and shadows, all solder joints are inspected by X-ray technology and are evaluated equally, without human subjectivity. The result is the lowest pseudo-error rate, minimal failure escapes and complete documentation of the test results. Furthermore, the webinar presents the possibilities and limits of failure detection in many examples.

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So, the four key takeaways from the event will be:

• Sample inspection vs. 100% x-ray inspection – technical and economic comparison
• X-ray inspection (AXI) compared to the automatic optical inspection (AOI)
• Possibilities and limitations of the failure detection of an AXI system
• Practical example for the 100% X-ray inspection of an PCB

Webinar details

Date: 23 May
Time: 10:00am (BST)
Duration: 1 hour
Price: Free to register
Presenter: Daniel Robertson, Sales Specialist Inspection / Boundary Scan

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Goepel sample webinar 120Daniel started his career in electronics when surface mount was in its infancy. Working on the shop floor, he gained experience of Through Hole Automated Assembly and then moved on to surface mount.

He moved into sales from production in the 1990’s, since then he has been working with companies of all sizes from start ups to multi nationals with regional divisions. He has experience of manufacturing in a fast changing production environment and understands many of the issues encountered during the manufacturing process.


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