Maxim USB fault protector


It protects data and power lines from industrial equipment powered at 24VAC and 40VDC, while also reducing solution size by more than 50% for industrial voltage applications.

Industrial environments continue striving to reduce solution footprint to increase productivity and throughput while demanding system robustness and increased uptime. As a result, there has been a trend to adopt USB vs. RS232 on automation equipment due to a much smaller connector size.

As industrial environments adopt USB to provide faster communication for applications such as real-time diagnostics, programming/service ports on programmable logic controllers (PLCs), or supporting camera vision systems, USB ports require fault protection from overvoltage and ground differences while balancing the need to support high-speed data rates up to 480Mbps.

Damage to both the host and device side can occur in these systems, requiring a unique solution that achieves high levels of fault protection. Existing USB fault protection solutions on the market today compromise either USB operating speed or voltage/current limit protection on a device’s data and power lines. Consequently, current solutions on the market are costlier and incapable of providing fault protection at high-speed USB performance.

The MAX22505 answers this market need By combining  high-speed USB fault protection (480Mbps) for industrial voltages, while being flexible enough to support either host or device applications including USB On-The-Go (OTG).

It protects equipment from overvoltage or negative voltage on power and data lines, as well as ground potential differences between devices.

It reduces solution size by more than 50% compared to competing solutions and ensures robust communications in harsh environments cost-effectively in a simpler design.

Housed in a 24-pin 4mm x 4mm TQFN package, it operates over the -40-degree Celsius to +105-degree Celsius temperature range.

Applications include building automation, industrial PCs, PLCs, and diagnostic USB ports.


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