NTU robots master Ikea furniture


The robots have been developed at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. They can identify the parts and positions of an IKEA chair and decide how to best to assemble it.

Specifically, they assembled Ikea’s Stefan chair in 8 minutes and 55 seconds. But we should also add, prior to the assembly itself, that the robot took 11 minutes and 21 seconds to plan the motion pathways and 3 seconds to locate the parts.

The system was designed by Assistant Professor Pham Quang Cuong and his team from NTU’s School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering.

The robots themselves comprise a 3D camera and two robotic arms equipped with parallel grippers to pick up objects, running algorithms coded using three different open-source libraries. Force sensors mounted on the wrists help to determine the amount of force required, allowing the robot to precisely detect holes.

Check out the video below to see them in action: