
GridEYE board
Designs will combine IR sensors with Bluetooth wireless systems and software for IR detection of people and objects on one board.
The projects will be assessed by Panasonic and element14 and the winning entry will be give a budget to spend on selected Panasonic components and equipment.
Dianne Kibbey – Global Head of Community, Social Media and Creative Services, Farnell element14.com, writes:
“We are delighted to be working with Panasonic on this initiative, which reflects our long history of facilitating innovative research projects through our STEM Academy, our regular Design Challenges and our membership of over 480,000 engineers, makers and educators.”
An aim of the project is to reduce barriers to university-industry research partnerships.
“Innovation happens where ideas and experiences collide – where different branches of knowledge interact and where people with entrepreneurial skills work side by side with those who have pioneering knowledge. Cooperation between universities and industry is therefore central to driving innovation,” said Mubeen Abbas, Product Manager, Panasonic.
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