Smut & Tech


So it was refreshing to see a pic of this sign parked outside a Boston conference hall:


Maybe it’s a precursor to the robust new non-PC world of locker room banter which is to make America great again.

We weren’t told if this week’s meeting of tech leaders at Trump Tower was conducted in these sort of terms but we were told the topics of conversation:

Creating more jobs for American workers

Eliminating barriers preventing American companies from doing business in other countries

America’s competitive trade dynamic and market access with China

Cutting taxes

Repatriation of American profits kept overseas by prohibitive tax rates

Improving our physical and digital infrastructures

Protecting our intellectual property rights

Improving America’s cybersecurity

Updating our government software systems

Technology in schools

The need for greater vocational education opportunities

Reducing bureaucracy

Introducing greater accountability in the government procurement process

It sounds like a pretty good start.


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