UPDATED: Android rolls out to London bus stop displays


Wahey! This is the future. Check out my screenshot below.

Android rolls out to London bus stop displays

Anecdotal, I know, but I wasn’t aware these were being rolled out across the capital. Unlike the video advert screens, this was a Smartphone-like interface, with icons for BBC News, Maps, Tube Status Updates, and info about the Santander Cycle scheme.

Not forgetting the bread and butter info – listing estimated times of arrivals for the various buses stopping at that point.

All very civilised. And yes, the touchscreen was working OK, albeit not perfectly. I wonder how long that will last.

It was definitely Android – I smiled to see the characteristic Back and Home buttons. Couldn’t resist having a little play and I almost missed the bus. Literally. Figuratively, I’ve missed the bus on Android a few years ago…

UPDATE: It is my understanding that 25 such screens are being rolled out in the borough of Kensington and Chelsea, 18 of which have already been installed. This has been financed by JCDecaux, not London Transport.

Last year the company won the rights to digitise bus shelters in Oxford Street back in October 2015, but this display was interactive, not just video ads. A good Android step forward!


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