Google ranks Android apps for Google Play Awards 2017


Normally I stay clear on this blog of writing about individual apps. With so many thousands available how can you meaningfully compare and contrast? But when Google steps in with its awards, I think it’s fair to take notice.

Google Play Awards - best app

Which is another way of saying the Google Play Awards are being resurrected this year, with the winners being revealed at the Google I/O event in May.

Google Play Awards logoIt has just announced the 2017 nominees for outstanding apps or games across 12 categories, for example Best VR and AR Experiences, Best TV Experience, Best App for Kids, and Best Game.

Nominees were selected by a set of specific criteria, including high star rating, technical performance, requiring a launch or major update since April 2016.

Pictured above are the nominations for the Best App category, based on “a true representation of beautiful design, intuitive UX and high user appeal”. The apps are: Quick (free video editor), Memrise (learn a new language), Fabulous (motivation), Money Lover (finance management) and CityMapper (urban transport).

Interesting, to see what is making an impact in 2017.

See the full list of nominations »

See also: Google bids for patent peace with PAX Android


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