Android Wear 2.0 has finally rolled out to the original Huawei Watch. Despite its popularity and the fact that it was one of the few models to support the new software’s extended beta program, it has only now gotten the final release.
Of course, there’s no official word as to why it has taken about three months to finalize the software for Huawei’s last generation smartwatch, but it is very likely due to its new Huawei Watch 2 as to why things got pushed back a bit.
In case you’re not aware, Android Wear 2.0 will introduce a slew of new features to Huawei Watch owners. The highlight of the install is undoubtedly its ability to run apps even when you’re not around your phone. No longer are they stored on the phone, but on the watch’s fairly generous 4GB of onboard storage.
Other neat additions include a revamped interface and detail-heavy watch faces by way of customizable complications. Now, it’s easier to see more without having to swipe into an app.
Huawei Watch has joined the legion of compatible smartwatches to receive the Android Wear 2.0 software, though there are still some that have yet to release the software. However, with Google IO 2017 right around the corner, we could see more manufacturers releasing the anticipated update for their smartwatches very soon.
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